News and Stories

  • Date: 23 January 2023

European Solidarity Corps, join us

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    • Category: News
    Ensuring Food Security and Strengthening Local NGOs in Northern Lebanon

    Our intervention The first phase of our Food Security and WASH project has been completed in Mazarea Jabal Akroum and Machta Hammoud, in the Akkar region of northern Lebanon. The project was funded by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) and we implemented it in partnership with the Mada association as sub-implementing partner. Over the last […]

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    • Category: News
    No Safe Zone in Gaza

    We strongly denounce the attack by the Israeli forces on a camp housing displaced persons in Rafah on May 26th, killing 40 Palestinians of which many women and children. This brutal operation has been followed by further escalations that took place yesterday, adding up 45 additional fatalities. There are no words to describe the situation […]

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    • Category: News
    In East Africa, rain and floods caused by climate change are forcing thousands of people to leave their homes

    Climate change as a phenomenon concerning our community affects our present, even before our future. The most impacted countries are those that have contributed least to the causes of ongoing global climate disruptions, as is the case with the African continent, characterised by high vulnerabilities that exacerbate its exposure to risk and limited resources in […]

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    • Category: News
    Our intervention in Gaza

    The context More than 8 months of hostilities have cost the lives of at least 37,202 Palestinians in Gaza whereas more than 84,932 have been injured, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH – June 2024). 1.7 million people are estimated to be internally displaced, representing the 75% of the entire population of the strip, […]

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    • Category: News
    Afghanistan: first-hand stories of those living through a forgotten crisis

    We are constantly engaged to shed light on neglected and protracted crises, such as the one in Afghanistan, considered as one of the worst humanitarian situations worldwide, with 58% of the population (23,7 million people) who is projected to require humanitarian assistance throughout 2024.   The context  Today, millions are facing acute food insecurity, malnutrition, displacement, […]

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    • Category: News
    World Health Day: our work in Bolivia

    On the occasion of World Health Day, we would like to highlight our commitment to ensure universal, equitable and quality access to health services through our work in Bolivia. In the rural areas of the country, access to basic services is limited due to a lack of resources, but also to a shortage of facilities, […]

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    • Category: News
    Seeds of Protection: strengthening human rights’ defenders in Brazil

    We have just closed our project “Seeds of Protection,” a program funded by the European Union aimed at strengthening the capacity of defense, promotion and protection of human rights defenders and civil society organizations in the territory that work on issues related to human rights violations and attacks on fundamental freedoms across 21 states of […]

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    • Category: News
    YOULEAD: European multistakeholders event

    More than 200 participants attended the European multistakeholders event organized as part of the YOULEAD project that gathered young people from five EU countries-Austria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. Boys and girls who participated in the event, held online on March 22 described themselves as “united for a greater good,” namely to counter the effects […]

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    • Category: News
    Flowing Futures: our Atlas on global water access

    More than 2 billion people worldwide lack access to safe and clean water; in Italy, 7 million people are not connected to the public sewer system. In countries where water resources are not available at home, in 8 out of 10 families, women are the primary responsible for water collection, which is also a gender […]

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    • Category: News
    Afghanistan: una crisi dimenticata tra tagli umanitari e diritti negati

    I media internazionali tendono a settorializzare l’attenzione pubblica, delimitandola a una crisi umanitaria alla volta. Per questo motivo è indispensabile continuare a puntare i riflettori su crisi dimenticate e protratte, come quella dell’Afghanistan, che è una delle peggiori crisi umanitarie al mondo, dove si prevede che il 58% della popolazione (corrispondente a circa 23,7 milioni […]

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