Thanks to the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps initiative promoted and financed by the European Union and part of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme, you can apply for a unique volunteering experience with WeWorld in the humanitarian aid sector in different countries in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia.

The initiative is open to young people aged between 18 and 35 who are legal residents of an EU Member State or another country associated with the programme (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and the Republic of North Macedonia).

We are committed to ensuring principles of equality, diversity and inclusion during the selection process. We encourage the participation of youths currently not involved in education or employment (NEET) and people from minority and/or vulnerable groups. Find out more by consulting the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.

Join our missions around the world!

Open vacancies:

Humanitarian Volunteer in Project Management in Cambodia: clicca qui!

Humanitarian Volunteers in Project Management in Tanzania: clicca qui!

The projects

For more than 10 years, WeWorld has been running international volunteer projects funded by the European Union and has been participating in the European Solidarity Corps programme since 2023!

Thanks to the projects currently running (MoreEYoung, VOL4CCAR and VOL4PEACE), implemented together with our partners Accion contra el Hambre and Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad, we give young Europeans the opportunity to volunteer for 10-12 months in support of our projects around the world, aimed at strengthening the capacity and resilience of vulnerable communities or those affected by man-made crises or natural disasters.

In particular, you will be able to travel to our local offices in Benin, Mozambique, Kenya, Tunisia, Bolivia, Burundi, Brazil, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Moldova and Lebanon and support field missions in implementing projects in the areas of Education, Health, Climate Change, Gender, Water and Zero Hunger. Find out more about the projects WeWorld has around the world here.

As you volunteer with us, you will have the opportunity to participate in various training sessions and will be supervised by local staff. You will see WeWorld's projects in the country first-hand, working closely with local communities. This experience will allow you to challenge yourself and grow professionally, as well as culturally and personally.

You will support activities in Project Management, Administration and Logistics and Communication.

Discover the stories of volunteers participating in the European Solidarity Corps programme

The expected benefits

The project includes:

- travel costs and eventual visa

- health insurance and compulsory vaccinations;

- accommodation costs;

- SIM card and a laptop;

- monthly allowance;

- training and courses aimed at developing skills;

- mentorship, you will be followed by a line manager and a mentor for the duration of the programme; - European certificate of participation and assessment of skills acquired (YouthPass);

If you are in a difficult or disadvantaged situation (economic, physical, geographical...) you are entitled to additional support. Just mention it during the interview!

How to participate

Remember that in order to be eligible to apply, you must first register on the European Youth Portal and complete the online and in-person training.

Start your registration now with the following steps:

- Register your profile in the European Solidarity Corps' Portal now;

- Make sure you select the option "I want to be considered for the Humanitarian Aid Volunteering projects"; - Access the online training offered by the EU Academy via the "Online training" tab and select the option "Humanitarian aid training". The training lasts 20-25 hours;

- Complete a self-assessment and take the final test;

- Once you have passed the test, you can express your interest in the in-person training through a booking calendar on EU Academy;

- After completing the 5-day face-to-face training, you are ready to apply for the positions that interest you most!

If you have already participated in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and registered your profile, you can access the portal with the same credentials.

Get ready to join us!

Start your registration now by following these steps, click here!

If you would like more details, please consult the 2024 Programme Guide on the European Solidarity Corps' Portal or write to us at