Now at its eighth edition, the WeWorld Index evaluates the level of inclusion and exclusion of women, children and youth…
Read moreEvery two minutes, a woman dies from solvable causes related to childbirth and pregnancy; 45% of abortions performed globally are unsafe. These are just two impressive figures collected in the WE CARE report. Atlas of sexual, reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health in the world, to assess whether sexual and reproductive justice for women and girls is promoted and guaranteed in Italy and the world.
The concept of sexual and reproductive justice goes beyond the narrower concept of sexual and reproductive health to open to a whole range of other fundamental rights and freedoms. Guaranteeing sexual and reproductive justice, therefore, does not only mean guaranteeing sexual and reproductive rights but also the right to life, privacy, education, information, and freedom from all forms of violence. In essence, it is a fundamental vehicle for promoting human rights and gender equality.
The Atlas explores the main discriminations and denials of rights that women, children and adolescents still have to suffer today and is made up of 6 sections: Natal health, Body policies, Gender-based violence, WASH and sexual and reproductive rights, Menstrual health and Sexual health and well-being.
The data, analyses, and best practices collected in the field by WeWorld, combined with interviews with recipients of the organisation's interventions, confirm, once again, how much sexual and reproductive rights are human rights and fundamental freedoms and vehicles for promoting other essential human rights.
Now at its eighth edition, the WeWorld Index evaluates the level of inclusion and exclusion of women, children and youth…
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