Conflict sensitivity operational toolkit
This publication was authored by Peaceful Change initiative on behalf of WeWorld Funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
- Title
- The conflict sensitivity operational toolkit: a practical approach
- Publication Date
- December 2022
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WeWorld sees of primary importance the need of doing better in regard to Conflict Sensitivity (CS). This means investing to make CS part of the cultural and organizational approach to a crisis, and refrain from only applying principles or streamlining tools. In light of this, WeWorld’s action-research model invites to elaborate open knowledge, with the support of experts such as Peaceful Change initiative (PCi), building on operational and pragmatic mechanisms. This toolkit for practitioners and other organizations is a step in the process of doing better in conflict sensitivity collectively and through joint learning with other actors. Conflict sensitivity is thus strategic for WeWorld to the delivery of programs enacting constructive conflict resolution dynamics, whereby international actors become catalysts or multipliers to ensure the safety and dignity of the population.
A conflict sensitivity toolkit has been developed to enact change within the processes undertaken by organizations operating in crisis conditions, to ensure decisions and actions are properly informed by a conflict sensitive approach. This corresponds to all levels of an organization’s structure, and is applicable for all staff. The case study examined throughout this toolkit is WeWorld, though the guidance, tools and processes are all designed to be adopted and utilized by any organization recognizing the need to exercise conflict sensitivity operationally.
The toolkit is designed to be taken up by any organization engaged in assistance at any level or operability and working in any context. The Toolkit can be utilized in its entirety, or applied in parts; selecting the modules that correspond to the reader’s purpose, requirement or interest in conflict sensitivity.
Operational toolkit
This Toolkit aims at providing hands-on modalities to embed conflict sensitivity analysis into the different levels of decision-making across all phases of a programmatic cycle”
The toolkit is composed of 5 modules:
- MODULE 1: Conflict sensitivity strategy design and review
- MODULE 2: Conflict sensitive programme identification and design
- MODULE 3: Conflict sensitivity for support functions
- MODULE 4: Conflict sensitive implementation
- MODULE 5: Monitoring and evaluating conflict sensitivity
The Conflict Sensitivity Operational Toolkit is purposely designed to guide any organization in embedding conflict sensitivity across all strategic, operational and functional processes in delivering assistance. It is composed of different modules to ease its understanding and use by an organization.
The different modules provide process guidance and tools for integrating conflict sensitivity across different organizational and programmatic processes.
HDP Nexus
A greater ability to exercise conflict sensitivity can furthermore identify potential opportunities for actions that contribute positively to conflict dynamics, and ultimately peace. As international organizations, NGOs, governments and multi-lateral institutions commit more efforts towards the common objectives of the Humanitarian, Development & Peace Nexus, having actors recognize and build responses that foster more peaceful societies helps break down a siloed approach to international assistance. Conflict sensitivity can act as a first step for organizations concerned with how their actions contribute to peace.