Since the outbreak of the conflict, WeWorld has been involved to help the Ukrainian population cope with the conflict consequences. In line with this approach, in December 2023, WeWorld together with 2 Local NGOs, Angels of Salvation (AoS) and Rescue Now (RN), conducted a series of field visits and key informant interviews in the Kharkiv and Donetsk oblasts, to identify the most urgent needs and the most suitable response modalities. This first phase observed that the priority needs lie in water treatment facilities and supply network, including pumping stations, and in sewage management. In order to address these needs, from May 2024 to April 2025, WeWorld has been implementing, with his partners, a programme funded by the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF). According to estimates, the project will have a direct impact on 83.930 people and an indirect impact on 120.000 people.
In the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector, the conflict has negatively affected the provision of key services and the availability of resources. Therefore, this project aims to reduce barriers, to ensure equitable access to hygiene items and to provide multi-sectoral assistance, giving priority to female-headed households, families with children, elderly and people with disabilities (PwDs).
- Light Repairs (LR) and Medium Repair (MR). The technical assessment will look both at ensuring adequate housing, at identifying physical barriers, and at planning rehabilitation activities focused on accessibility and inclusivity for all.
- Hygiene kits. Based on preliminary consultations in the design phase, two types of hygiene kits have been pre-selected for distribution, namely a standard household hygiene kit and an extended special needs kit for the elderly and people with disabilities. Under this activity, AoS and RN, supported by WeWorld, will distribute both hygiene kits and information leaflets.
- Water Filters. WeWorld has pre-negotiated a cooperation agreement with Oxfam under which Oxfam would provide WeWorld water filters in certain targeted settlements.
- Training for WeWorld and partners’ staff. To maximize the impact of the intervention, WeWorld is planning to deliver to its partners a comprehensive training on security management, on Humanitarian Project Cycle, on PSEAH policies and response, on the implementation of WASH Fit Tool in the target facilities.