The context
The intervention addresses the heightened risks faced by Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organizations operating in Brazil. The socio-political environment has been characterized by structural violence, criminalization of social movements, and pervasive threats against HRDs, particularly those advocating for land and territorial rights. In this context, the action focuses on enhancing protection mechanisms and strengthening the institutional capacities of Civil Society Organizations to develop cohesive networks for advocating and ensuring comprehensive public policies for Human Rights Defenders protection. The project is committed to promoting sustainable development, focusing in particular on the following Sustainable Development Goals:
- SDG 5: Promotes gender equality and empowers women and LGBTQIAPN+ groups.
- SDG 10: Protects human rights and reduces of inequalities.
- SDG 15: Supports sustainable land management, protects ecosystems and ensures the safety of Human Rights Defenders working in territories vulnerable to environmental degradation and conflicts over natural resources, particularly in the Amazon region.
- SDG 16: Supports human rights, democracy, and monitors policy implementation.
- SDG 17: Strengthens networks and partnerships for policy implementation and defender protection.
The need to implement project activities arises from the increasing vulnerability of Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organizations operating in a hostile environment characterised by systemic discrimination, inadequate institutional support and recurrent threats to their physical and psychological integrity. There is a critical demand for structured strategies of self-protection, mutual support and formulation of alternative protection measures. Furthermore, the initiative addresses the lack of effective public policies and calls for the establishment of sustainable protection mechanisms to ensure the safety and continuity of Human Rights Defenders activities.

The project is implemented across 21 states in all regions of Brazil, targeting key Civil Society Organizations with a broad geographical representation. These states include Pará (PA), Acre (AC), Tocantins (TO), Bahia (BA), Maranhão (MA), Paraíba (PB), Pernambuco (PE), Piauí (PI), Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Sergipe (SE), Ceará (CE), Goiás (GO), Mato Grosso (MT), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Espírito Santo (ES), Minas Gerais (MG), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP), Paraná (PR), Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Santa Catarina (SC). The selected Civil Society Organizations play a pivotal role in their respective regions, providing a solid foundation for promoting human rights and advancing the protection of Human Rights Defenders nationwide.
Our intervention
Through the implementation of our activities, Civil Society Organisations dealing with issues related to human rights violations and attacks on fundamental freedoms, as well as human rights defenders at risk, strengthen their coordination by developing joint network actions, advancing the implementation of popular protection in 21 states in all regions of Brazil. More specifically, expected outcomes include:
- Civil Society Organizations that gather and/or work in the protection of Human Rights Defenders at risk are strengthened in their institutional capacity and management skills to enhance popular protection practices.
- Civil Society Organizations that gather and/or work in the protection of Human Rights Defenders at risk have their strategies, procedures, and tools for popular protection (self-protection, mutual support and articulated alternatives) developed and implemented through network-based actions.
- International recommendations and institutional protection policies for human rights defenders are monitored and subjected to public scrutiny, with parameters established by Civil Society Organizations.