WeWorld intervention in Migori and Homa-Bay Counties aims at contributing towards the realization of an Enhanced Access to Quality Education and Wellbeing of Vulnerable Children living in Karungu (Migori County) and Gwassi (Homa Bay County). Through a multi-sectoral and a holistic child development approach, WeWorld – also in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Child Protection structures, the duty bearers, and the community - is involving the whole educational community for long lasting outcomes.
Migori and Homa Bay Counties are located in the southwestern part of Kenya. The counties are mainly rural, with agriculture and fishing being the main economic activities. The counties are known for their production of sugarcane, maize, beans, and groundnuts. Fishing is also an important economic activity due to the presence of Lake Victoria. In Migori County and Homa Bay County, access to education has been improving steadily in recent years, but challenges remain.
In Migori County, the county government has made efforts to improve education by increasing the number of schools and classrooms, providing bursaries to needy students, and upgrading infrastructure in existing schools. The Ccounty also collaborates with non-governmental organizations to provide school supplies, mentorship programs, and training for teachers. Despite these efforts, the county still faces challenges such as high dropout rates, inadequate funding for schools and insufficient resources for special needs students.
Similarly, in Homa Bay County, there have been efforts to improve access to education, particularly for girls. The county government has increased the number of schools and classrooms, provided bursaries to needy students, and offered training for teachers. The county has also prioritized the construction of boarding schools to cater to students from remote areas. However, the county still faces challenges such as a shortage of teachers, inadequate funding for schools, and insufficient resources for students with disabilities.
Both counties have made progress in increasing access to education, but there is still room for improvement. More investment is needed to address the challenges that remain and ensure that all children have access to quality education. WeWorld in Migori and Homa Bay supports 19 primary and junior secondary schools to ensure access to quality education. From the construction of new classrooms, and toilets which are gender sensitive and disability friendly, to the conduction of campaigns enhancing the enrollment and the attendance of the pupils. The schools have also been equipped with learning and recreational materials. The parents and the teachers have been equipped with trainings on positive discipline to encourage the children to grow without corporal punishments. Children Protection structures have been strengthened in order to detect, trace, and report cases of child abuse and neglect.
- Improved primary education access in a safe, equitable and inclusive learning environment.
- Enhanced quality school engagement to improve retention and transition through a community-based approach.
- Strengthened child protection and Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention through community-based and multi-stakeholder approaches.
- Strengthened capacities of duty bearers, to enforce education policies and address barriers affecting access and retention to quality education for vulnerable and marginalized students.