Old Havana, like the country as a whole, is facing the population aging and the resulting need to rethink existing social systems and their integration with a particular attention to new and more sustainable forms of management.
As a result of this demographic trend, it increased social needs and the need to analyse and rethink real possibilities of servicies offered. A large number of elderly are take in charge directly by families members, most of them woman, who do not receive any social and economic recognition or by care givers that perform a service without a proper guide or means to carry out. Therefore, the project is in line with the objective of Cuba to improve life standars of elderly and differently-abled young people and the organization of care servicies, promoting the participation of civil society as a whole, and acting in line with OHCH policies reflected in the special agenda for the integrated developpment of the City (Pedi) 2020, as a result of pubblic consultation and a program of support and social integration in the inner city of Havana.