The project aims to nurture solidarity within two EU Member States — Greece and Italy— that have been deeply affected by permacrises, including the financial and refugee crises, resulting in the erosion of social ties and a weakened collective identity in these countries. By engaging youth in public dialogue to encourage solidarity and cooperation, the project seeks to build a stronger foundation for EU democratic values and collective identity, countering the disintegration of society and promoting a more united and resilient Europe.  

To break fragmentation and initiate dialogue among youth from different social groups, HYPE will establish Local Solidarity Ecosystems. Within the Local Solidarity Ecosystems, the notion of solidarity, the main forms, and mechanisms available at the local and EU levels will be discussed, focusing on the positive effects of solidarity and on the ideas of the participants themselves, thus increasing youth motivation to design and implement their own solidarity initiatives.  

Furthermore, through participation in EU exchange meetings, youth will be empowered to act as Ambassadors promoting future youth-led initiatives at local and EU levels. Finally, a Multistakeholder approach will be employed by inviting and engaging local CSOs, stakeholders, and authorities in the Local Solidarity Ecosystems to support the design and implementation of youth-led actions fostering collaboration and increasing the potential for extended community engagement in solidarity actions. 


  • Research on Solidarity in Europe and co-design of bottom-up Local Action Plans  
  • Public dialogue, discussions workshop and Local Actions on Solidarity
  • EU Solidarity Exchange Workshop 
  • National and European Policy events