On Tuesday 28th November, at the XI° WISE Summit in Doha, the CEOs of Education Above All Foundation and WeWorld met to launch the project PAMOJA TUDUMISHE ELIMU: Promotion of quality and inclusive education for the retention and engagement of students at risk of dropping out in Kenya and Tanzania.
The ceremony, taking place in the Qatar National Convention Centre, was an opportunity for Fahad Al-Sulaiti and Dina Taddia, respectively Education Above All and WeWorld CEOs, to meet and discuss the objectives of the partnership project and the importance of vulnerable children accessing and being retained in quality primary education.
As Education Above All CEO Fahad Al-Sulaiti stated:
“This project [demonstrates] our objective to provide quality education to children. We need to become more innovative to support education and scale up current efforts to bring change.”

For this reason, the Education Above All Foundation and WeWorld are working side-by-side with children and the entire “educational community”, to reduce children’s dropout rates and enhance quality education. To highlight the importance of involving all actors to reach these objectives WeWorld CEO Dina Taddia asserted:
“In our experience, the retention and engagement of young students in quality primary education is a multifaceted matter. In order to tackle an effective engagement of students, we need to consider the multiple risk factors that lead to drop outs. In this way, the project identifies a comprehensive set of measures addressing different levels of actions involving the school, the family, the community with the support of effective education management information systems”.
And to conclude Dina Taddia continued by thanking the Education Above All Foundation, saying:
“In other words, education is a collective responsibility, and all concerned parties are accountable for ensuring children [realize their] right to a quality education. We thank Education Above All Foundation for believing in this project and working together with us to provide quality and inclusive education in Tanzania and Kenya”.
PAMOJA TUDUMISHE ELIMU: Together to Strengthen Quality Education and Children Retention project aims at engaging and retaining students who are at high risk and most at risk of dropping out of school, in quality primary education. The project works in rural areas in Kenya (Migori and Narok Counties) and marginalized urban areas in Tanzania (Dar es Salaam - Temeke and Kinondoni Municipalities).
In Tanzania and Kenya, there are several significant barriers that affect the likelihood of children dropping out of school. In Tanzania, at least one in every five primary school-age children are out of school, likewise, the enrolment rate in Kenya in primary school stands at 89.2%. Read more