Emergency Cold in Ukraine: your company can make a difference for children, women and families.

In addition to war, hunger and fear, it is now winter that worries the Ukrainian population. Together we can protect vulnerable children and families from the freezing winter. Thanks to the help of your company, we will provide them with thermal blankets, heaters and clothes to protect them from the cold.
The Ukrainian population, already severely affected by a deep humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing conflict, must react to another challenge: the freezing winter.
The winter in Ukraine is very cold, and for several months the average temperatures are well below zero, reaching -20 degrees in some areas. 16 million children and mothers have to face the cold winter without a home: they fled to escape from the bombing, leaving behind their whole life. Now they survive in improvised shelters where every day have to choose whether to keep their homes warm or feed their family.
WeWorld is implementing an intervention that provides for the distribution of kits to the most vulnerable families to overcome the winter. Each winterization kit contains essential items to protect them from the cold: 2 thermal blankets, 1 heather and warm clothes.
Providing what families and children need by offering them help to protect themselves from the cold is an important contribution to restoring dignity, assistance and care in this delicate phase of their lives.
The total direct beneficiaries of the action will be more than 3.000 vulnerable people.
The families that will benefit from the project have been selected among the most fragile. Each family consists of boys, girls or adolescents, elderly people, pregnant women or nursing mothers, family members with chronic diseases or disabilities.
Your company can also support WeWorld’s mission:
- With 3.000 euros, it donates to children fleeing the conflict, welcomed in the reception centers in Moldova a hot meal and a Happy Kit(d) Nutritious, with healthy fruits and snacks inside.
- With 5,000 euros, it donates thermal blankets, stoves and warm clothes to people in Ukraine who lost everything because of the war.
- With 10.000 euros, it guarantees hospitality to hundreds of women, boys and girls in Ukraine, in facilities where they will finally feel safe.
With the contribution of your firm, it will be possible to bring help to the most fragile people, sharing with customers and employees, the virtuous commitment of your company alongside the most vulnerable.
Your company will thus be able to stand against the war and on the side of rights, supporting our intervention for the Emergency Cold in Ukraine.
By Bank transfer
Send a bank transfer to We World Onlus at Intesa San Paolo
IBAN IT61 K030 6901 6261 0000 0123 774
Reason: company name, Emergency Cold Ukraine
If you want to devise together with us a dedicated plan for emergency Ukraine in line with the needs of your company, contact us by email at corporate@weworld.it or call us at 3423885207